Local Favorites

Hazelwood Food and Drink

Hello Everybody! I know it has been a little while between posts, but the school year is slowly wrapping up and we all know what that means: professors keeping their students busy, busy, busy right up until the end of the year. I haven’t forgotten about all of you and have missed writing to you all. I think when many people, who are not local, hear Minnesota their first thought is the Mall of America. In addition to our beautiful lakes, national parks, and exciting nightlife within the downtown Twin Cities, many tourists visit Minnesota to check out the biggest mall in the United States. 40% of all visitors to the Mall of America are tourists, have you ever been? Though the Mall is full of great restaurants, if you’re looking for something outside of the Mall I would 100% recommend Hazelwood Food and Drink in Bloomington. They are located right across the street from the Mall of America and offer new American style cuisine. They have great gluten free options and my favorite menu item is the Rotisserie Chicken Sandwich (pictured below). Here is the link to the restaurant’s website: . We just got a new ice cream shop near my campus that I will be checking out in the up and coming weeks, so keep your eyes out for that update soon. In the meantime eat well and be kind to each other. 💖

Until next time,
